Pic-A-Star gathering - 11th September 2011
Thanks to all that came and made the gathering a most succesful event, 17
Star builders attended with a total of 14 Stars. The construction quality of
some of the transceivers was very high (puts mine to shame!).
A photo of some of the constructors and their radios...... more to follow.

Back row left to right
Dom M1KTA, Pete G0TLE, Bob G3PJT, Roy G8RCK, Jim G4IJC, Ray G4TZR, Frank M0JSZ
Front row left to right.
Roger G8JWT, Steve G6ALU, John M0TIF, Stephen G7WAS, Calvin M1EPM, ED G0SEY
Thanks also go to our hosts the Milton
Keynes Museum, I hope everyone found time to have a look around.
Steve G6ALU - Calvin M1EPM