MKARS80 Transceiver kit |
The MAKRS80 is a QRP transceiver designed for use for use on the 80M band, the circuit was developed from the BITX20 designed by Ashhar Farhan. Although simple in design perceived performance is as good as a commercial transceiver. Main changes from Ashhar's original design are the inclusion of a frequency counter and a Huff and Puff frequency stabiliser; this circuit will help keep the VFO tuned to the same frequency for long periods without any "drift". As seen in the photo to the left, all components are mounted on to a single high quality PCB making construction relatively straight forward. The only "wiring" needed is short pieces of wire to connect the potentiometers to the PCB. To assist with construction there is a comprehensive manual that can be downloaded from this page, also available for download are a drilling template and front panel overlay. Why not joint the MKARS80 support group? |
Photo showing a typical finished MKARS80, note that the knobs supplied as an option are all black without the aluminium inserts. |
Downloads MKARS80
construction manual version 1.4 MKARS80
construction manual version 1.3 in Spanish Drilling
template Panel
overlay (Use for undrilled box only) Mirrored
overlay (Use for undrilled box only) Panel
overlay for use with ready drilled box Hires
Schematic (JPEG) |
MKARS80 PIC firmware VFO
stability modification
construction manual V1.0 MKARS80
construction manual V1.2 MKARS80
construction manual version 1.3 NOTE: Kit version can be found on component listing in all component bags. |
Kit Contents The kit contains all PCB mounted components including display, connectors and a ready programmed micro. The builder will need to provide a loudspeaker (3-32 Ohms) and an electret microphone; a dynamic type can be used if the bias resistor (R17) is removed or a series capacitor is installed between microphone and transceiver. Knobs are supplied with the boxed kit as standard, they may be ordered as an option for the kit sold without a box. Neither kit comes with an overlay, you can either design a personal version or print off one of the options above. |
Availability Unfortunately some key parts (10MHz crystals, variable capacitor) have become obsolete, I have a small stock of variable capacitors and in order to use these up and produce a small batch of kits I'm trying to find a source of crystals, until I can do this the MKARS80 will be unavailable. Steve G6ALU |